I do believe all of you know how passionate I am about the Duomo, ohhh I can never leave the Duomo I miss the Duomo after one day of not seeing it.
One beautiful afternoon I sat inside the Duomo and I thought that I want to be Catholic, I still want to.
I cannot love the Duomo and not be Catholic, that would be loving half way, no no, so I made a decision to speak to a priest. The only place I could find a priest was in confession so I waited in the confession line. (This happened in the first week in Milan, it happened when one day I got lost and found my way back to the Duomo again, I sighed and entered the church, hoping that the security guards were not the same guards as the days before, obviously I felt like these guards wondered why this smiling girl was always in church, hahahaha. Alora.)
So I peacefully waited in the line of confession for about an hour and 30 minutes, Mama Mia the people that entered confession looked all so heartbroken, so sad, I forgot to remind myself to wear a normal face and not smile, hehehehe, so I waited...... and waited...... waited...... and finally it was my turn.
I then entered and this beautiful old priest was sitting there smiling at me, so I sighed in relief thinking that this could be easy.
I then started to speak but the priest could not speak english and I tried my best to explain to him that I really wanted to join the church, hahahaha, the priest just kept on smiling at me and he had this inner giggle to him while he kept on telling me to pray to Madonna..... Mamma Mia after about my third attempt to explain why I was there, seeing this priest smiling at me and keep on repeating the same thing, I started to joyfully laugh about the situation and he started to laugh at me too. So I was in confession and I joyfully had a laughing, giggling, joyful session with a priest in the Duomo.
As I left I said goodbye to the priest, thanked him and he nodded with an enormous smile on his face, you should have seen the people outside the confession chamber's faces, they looked absolutely confused.
After confession, also not being able to communicate in Ronchi78, I realised that it was very important to learn how to speak and write Italian.
I then signed up for a two weeks standard coarse.....
To be continued...