
giovedì 2 dicembre 2010

Understanding 2

I was a bit alarmed last night, it seems that there is a misunderstanding, I read emails last night, some readers assume that I love Ronchi78 the restaurant, the building itself, setting, colours whatever the understanding there may be. Now you might think that I love the Duomo the(church) building too, as well as love this City and Architecture of Milan just because it is pretty to me. Unfortunately everybody has it wrong..

I love Ronchi because of the people, I can not have ever loved Ronchi if it was not for Mirko and Giacomo. Ronchi78 is Mirko and Giacomo, it is their work and personalities, their tastes and their passions. Without them there would be no emplyed staff or guests to fill the rooms with joy, warmth festivity and depth. It is impossible to love solid lifeless things. One can like and desire solid lifeless things but one cannot miss and love solid lifeless things.

The Duomo I love because it is a church, it symbolises God, Christ, Spirit, Saints, Angels, Archangels, Bible stories, I love Christ, heaven has heard my little voice continuously everyday from a very very young age, I can admire the Duomo yet I love the meaning within it, love, patience, peace..... Etc.

I love the City of Milan because I studied the Renaisance in art class, Italian Architecture, although I love Italian Architecture in Rome and everywhere in Italy, I prefer Milan, as you have read I get lost many times so Milan is not too big to get completely lost in, normally I usually find my way back to the Duomo. I love the History and the historical people that created this City, the patience, time as well as passion used to have manifested this beautiful City I find increadible.

I love the Statues, the Saints, I love Angels and Archangels, here you just see symols of them, I admire everything yet I love the deeper meaning of it all.

Please do not confuse this..... I can never just love something solid and lifeless. If I ever had to leave Ronchi78 I would miss the people, I will miss Mirko and Giacomo, let us not think of such evil thoughts.
When I say I love Ronchi78 I mean that I love Ronchi78 unconditionally,  meaning that I love Mirko, Giacomo everybody part of Ronchi just as they are, no labels, I love them and  accept them just as they are, If Mirko or Giacomo ever comes to me and tells me "Marilette, I killed someone", I would most likely say "oh dear, where must we hide the body", this wont happen I hope, it is just an example, do not stress, hehehehe.

Thank you once again for the emails, I admit I dont properly read through them I mostly browse trough them very quickly, but thank you very much.

I wish you all a magical day and blessings of abundance.

Amore Sempre
