
giovedì 26 maggio 2011

a woman and her kitchen.....

I was wining and dining guests tonight, something part of me, something inside of myself I can never deny is my Kitchen and the nurishment coming from it.

Being a woman is not easy, we are beings more emotional and sensitive to our surroundings. You can tell who a woman is by entering her kitchen. Even though I am not close to my origanal kitchen, my warm and welcoming space  that is perfect,  I still do appreciate my kitchen here in France. Tonight I had the opportunity to cook a 4 course meal for guests, I started with an apperatif which were cold meats, gerkins, pickled onions, bread sticks and cream cheeses, then I prepared and served Tarrolinni pasta my own unique recipe because it was the first time I ever prepared this type of dish, it was perfect and I served it with a many different cheeses. Afrerwards I prepared sauteed wine steak with some salds for the second dish and a cream fruit cake for the dessert.

I love wining and dining people but what I enjoy most is preparing these dishes and seeing the absolute satisfaction on the guests faces.

For me, excellent nourishment and satisfaction is very important. I was not braught up modern, I still have so many old school values and morals stuck in me. Even though I have an adventurous spirit, cooking excellent cuisine satisfy my spirit when seeing all around me amazed by the different tastes enveloping their toungs and sending out burst of excitement through their stomachs. What excites me the most is the fact that I prepared these dishes myself. Do not forget about the wine..... :-D

I wondered what happened to this world, the appreciation for the smallest things fell away, you can make excellent cuisine without much really at all, I wondered what happened to women in this world? Being a woman is so much more that just looking beautiful and elagant, being a woman is being nurturing, caring as well as loving. There is a reason why we have an extra rib and have the ability to grow little angels inside of us and looking after them. Being a woman for me is looking after, being loving and caring for all close that loves and appreciates us.

3 years ago I was walking in a big store that distributes kitchens, I was walking peacefully without anything interesting catching my eye and then I stopped dead at the sight of a little petit kitchen with so much character it reminds me of the details of the Duomo in Milan. It was solid, with so many character, it had a warm and inviting feeling to it. I fell in love with this kitchen, I asked the sales consultant about this kitchen and he told me that it was an original kitchen from Tuscany. I wanted it ...... hehehehe

I have for a long time wined and dined guests in elegant style and satisfaction and tonight all of those memories came rushing through my mind that awoke my passionate female feminine side inside of me once again. I love being a woman, women has more freedom than men, we can do anything. we can play sports look after ourselves, cook, clean, have fun, travell and have children. I am proud to be a nurturing, kind, generous, intelligent, tidy, loving and a beautiful woman.

If you are a woman and reading this, feel proud of yourself. Be the best you can be for your loved ones and enjoy life because you are worth it and deserve it.

Write another day

Tanti baci e amore sempre