Thank you
I wanted to take a moment to say thank you to everybody. For me showing my gratitude is extremely important. It shows that I appreciate and acknowledge what others do and help me with.
I want to thank you as reader for reading this blog, I truly appreciate it very much, as long as you enjoy what you read and sometimes benefit from the information or laugh out load it is a pleasure for me to write when you enjoy to read this blog. You reading and enjoying my blog makes me very happy. Thank you.
I remembered earlier the first day I arrived in Ronchi78, (smile), I remember all the times I spent in Ronchi78, ohhh DIO, spending time with the football team, spending time with Max, Giacomo, Mirko uhahahahaha, decorating for Christmas the Vuvuzela's, Christmas, New Years, meeting Laura the boys having trouble speaking Italian, big communication problems. I feel truly fortunate and grateful. If I had to rewind these past couple of months And I had a chance to live it over again I would not change a single moment.
Every day has been a new surprise almost and it has been miraculous.
Everybody at Ronchi78 Giacomo, Mirko, Laura, the boys the grandparents the uncles and aunts are just beautiful and truly I am blessed to be able to spend time with all of you.
I can remember the night I was hanging Christmas balls onto the little christmas tree in Ronchi78, Mirko looked at me and told me that I am lucky because I have three balls and all of them only two each, I replied "Si, io sono molto fortunata", he laughed himself silly. I remember the first time I brought Giacomo his Vuvuzela uhahahahahahahaha he was happy, he was like a little boy. You know every memory here has been priceless, every moment a new wonderful surprise and I can only be absolutely grateful and say thank you from the bottom of my heart for being with the most wonderful people I have ever came across in my life.
Thank you Giacomo, Mirko, Ronchi78, football team, inland sea, Paletti family for all of your love, I love you all with all my heart and truly grateful for every second spent with all of you.
Thank you
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