I was busy typing my next days of adventure in Milan and at Ronchi's78, yet I stopped dead for a moment because of other thoughts and happenings that has been replaying itself in my mind all day...
Last night ofcoarse once again I was at Ronchi's78, yet sinse Giacomo told me to start the blog, I just started with this blog with no direction of what and what not to say, all this writing comes solemnly from my heart, nowhere else.
So since I have started with this new project, the only opportunity he basically gave me to speak to him about all I have been writing here was last night.
I was afraid of how Giacomo, Al Pucchino, San Carlo,Mr Pimp and everybody else would have reacted towards this blog, with what I have been writing, after all, Ronchi's is a business not just my lovely warm and magical place.
While I was on my way to Ronchi's, I got hopelessly lost once again because I was visiting mio amica just before. It was raining aswell and I forgot my umbrella, mamma mia and my whole body was so tense of what could happen. I was nervous, so many things went through my mind like "what if they dont like it?", my head told me "marilette run away put your head in the sand and never look back", well I never listen to my head so once again I just followed my inner guidence, I went anyways.
I arrived at Ronchi's quite late yet nobody was there, so I sat down ordered some water and salad and I started to study.
Everybody arrived but I was still busy figuring out Italian verbs which is quite difficult and I listened to music on my very tiny ipod. I might have thought, sang music in my mind or sighed a bit too loud at times where I could have made funny noises where I sat in the corner of the restuarant. I might have drawn attention but it was not with intent.
Later on I was sitting and looking at all of them, speaking, laughing, making jokes, all fed all satisfied and all with smiles talking in Italian very quickly I could not understand, yet the expressions on their faces were very pleasing to me. I love to see happiness and joy, it was once again a memmory so pleasing that I sat and smiled just with the atmosphere.
I then picked up my pen and decided to write down this magical feeling, the warm, cosy, safe and happy feeling.
Once I started to write Al Puccino asked me what I was doing, so I told him that I was writing and so the bonding started again.
Al Puccino I only call him Al because he looks like Al Puccino but his personality is absolutely wonderful, he is very adorable and funny yet he has a very attractive and seductive look to him which could draw any woman in immedietly. His style and ways of moving simbolises power in a way. To many he might be, yet I analyse a soul through their eyes and he is very sweet, he even gave me an italian lesson last night with my book from school and what facinated me was the way he acted every character in the pictures, also describing to me that "ciao" is informal and "boungiorno signora" very formal, hihihihihihi he was absolutely adorable I wanted to hug him so I started to giggle with absolute joy again, I couldn't stop I was too happy and amused, San Carlo then laughed out load because I was giggling with joy once again.
Al Puccino also explained to me the small Madonna made of gold on the top of the Duomo as well as a little folklore that goes with it.
He also introduced me to his cousin and told me some funny snake stories which made me blush and giggle for a while.
Ahh Al Puccino stole my heart too with his interest and beautiful personality, I love them all so much its just unexplained. Beautiful people, priceless as well as a gift from heaven.
What made me wonder though was the way things do work here with men and women? All of you must understand that I absolutely adore this beautiful family and that I also have not had any sexual physical interaction with any of them, please do not confuse this....
At one point I was asked if anyone there could satisfy me.... Anyone can capture any heart with unconditional love and acceptance ofcoarse and any woman looking for just any man to please her ONLY sexually will also be satisfied.
I do love the idea of love, passion and romance, candles ......., its beautiful, I am a woman of many passions I believe that whatever you do in life, do it with love and passion or else do not do it at all. Love unconditionally with passion, play an instument passionitaly, eat with passion, dance with passion, sing with passion and when you love... the flames arive and you make love with passion fully, paying attention to every single part of the others body and pleasure in their eyes, feel, smell, kiss......... intense passion.
In the animal kingdom the Male dominates, the strong dominates the weaker so when it comes to a man wanting to be with a woman I do believe the man could make his intentions known and move forward without compromise ofcoarse. Persistance has a graet amount of sex appeal when the dominator persues the weaker prize.....(Giggle)
Yet here I do not know how it works really, it is very strange yet amusing.
So last night everybody seemed happy and pleased with the blog, afterwards I felt like they all felt sorry for me and could not understand why I am like I am.
I would not for one moment change my past, It has formed me to be who I am today and I am very proud of who I am today.
My experiences formed me to be the best I can be for all who has recieved help from me and one day to teach my own children so much great values, morals and to be the best they can be aswell. The thought of having a little baby girl like me running around Milan getting lost and looking starry eyed at the Duomo, giggling and laughing all day long oh dear beautiful images, bellissima!!!!
I am very grateful and happy.
I wish you all a beautiful evening, make a wish and know it will come true!!!!!
Amore Sempre....